Rolanka International, Inc

Why use Coir Pith for Reptile and Worm Bedding?

Use RoLanka’s BioD-Medium coir pith as worm and reptile bedding. Coir pith is the leftover particles from processing the Coir fiber. Although coir pith has little nutritive value, the porous coir pith is an excellent soil-less plant growing medium, as well as it can be used in worm and reptile bedding. Our coir pith product is called the BioD-Medium.

Loose Coir Pith

In the context of a worm bin, coir pith is commonly used as worm bedding. It is a fibrous material that holds water and provides air pockets in the material. It features a fluffy, soil-like texture and is a low-risk worm bedding. A worm bin needs to be damp at 50%-60% moisture or higher, but that is not the only reason coir pith is a great choice. It is important that worms acclimate to their new environment and worms find coir to be a very hospitable environment. This coir bedding is a comfortable environment for worm life, and it also creates an ideal burrowing environment that is neither too dry nor to damp. Along with being a good environment for the worms to live it, coir pith is completely natural, which means you will not be introducing chemicals that might affect the worms. Worms need bedding to thrive and break down food matter and coir pith is an excellent choice for these worm bins.

Worms in Coir Pith

As well as worms, coir pith is a great habitat for reptiles. Different reptiles need different vivarium’s (terrariums, or habitats in which they live), and different animals need different things inside these vivariums. Coir pith is great for hydrating, and as it hydrates, it will increase the humidity in the terrarium. It absorbs and retains water which helps to also maintain proper humidity naturally. This coir pith can stimulate burrowing behaviors in animals who like swamy environments and gives them a safe and comfortable spot for nesting or burrowing. For reptiles who are more active, coir can cushion landings and falls. Coir pith also has a neutral PH that makes it safe for all biotypes. As well as coir fiber helps minimize odors and keeps your terrarium looking clean.

Reptiles who can live in Coir Pith

RoLanka’s BioD-Medium is excellent for worm bedding and reptile bedding. The BioD-medium comes in a 22 lbs. bale, a 11 lbs. block, and a 2 oz. disk. The 22 lbs. bale can be either 10% moisture or 40% moisture so you can choose which option is best for your reptiles or worms. Any of these options would be a great home for your animal.

BioD-Medium Bale
BioD-Medium Disk
BioD-Medium Block

For more information about RoLanka’s coconut fiber and/or coir pith visit, or contact us at, or 770-506-8211.

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