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Hello, Garden Doctor! Do You Have a Solution to Those Weeds in My Garden?

Ask any homeowner (and the plants in their garden) and they will tell you how much they hate weeds.

Weeds are like those guests at a home party, who gate-crash it in a very bad way. Like, do we even want you?

And they don’t leave, even when the party is over, until you literally throw them out!

Okay, that’s a bit harsh; you don’t throw them out, but you get the gist.

The only difference is, out of courtesy and being a good host, you’ve to entertain the uninvited guests of yours. However, when you’re talking about the weeds in your garden, you can’t afford their stay for too long.

Because they will kill your plants!

Picture showing Erosion control logs

Given enough time, weeds will starve your plants, infect them and push them out of their own bedding (how rude).

They can literally destroy a garden!

Now, weeding is obviously one way through which you can protect your plants against weeds, but it’s a process which takes time and effort. And it’s something you’ve to do repeatedly—it’s a never-ending chore.

Come on, weekends are meant for fun and not for weeding!

So, what else can you do?

Simple; install coir weed control mats in your garden.

Picture showing sediment control products

What are coir weed control mats, you ask?

Coir weed control mats are basically geo-fabric devices installed over a soil surface that suppress weed growth. They come with a center cut, allowing the plant to be placed or planted directly inside the cut, while leaving no other space for weeds to sprout through. Weed seeds will germinate beneath the mats, but they won’t be able to reach the sunlight to grow.

How does the soil absorb water when it is already covered with a weed control mat?

A weed control mat basically acts as a layer of mulch; it absorbs and retains moisture quite well. As a result, the soil can easily absorb water from the weed control mat, thereby ensuring proper growth conditions for plants.

However, there is one important thing you must keep in mind before purchasing a coir weed control mat… A coir weed control mat is a biodegradable product and so with time it will degrade into the soil. Hence, you need to replace it after every one or two years.

Also, before you install a weed mat, make sure you clear your garden of any weeds and then place the mat.

Do you have any other questions you would like to ask about our coir weed control mats? Reach out, our weed control product experts will be happy to help you.

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