Rolanka International, Inc

Author name: Calista Santha

Organic Coir Logs for Shorelines Weed Control vs. Weed Herbicides

While we all agree that weeds are disastrous for crops and plants. The method of Coir logs for shorelines of eliminating weeds is still open for debate. For the longest time, manually removing these unwanted plants was generally considered to be the most feasible option. Over time, chemical compounds (called herbicides) were developed with the sole intention of eliminating

Organic Coir Logs for Shorelines Weed Control vs. Weed Herbicides Read More »


The Beginner’s Guide to Bio Degradable Coir Logs & Weed

Undesirable plants include Weeds. Unwanted plants have more undesirable qualities than desirable ones. If left untreated for too long, like Bio degradable coir logs. Weeds can cripple the growth of crops and vegetation as they tend to compete for the same resources our potted plants do (e.g. water, sunlight, and nutrients from the soil, etc).

The Beginner’s Guide to Bio Degradable Coir Logs & Weed Read More »

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