Rolanka International, Inc

Among the planet’s most significant ecosystems, wetlands offer vital functions including flood control, and water filtration, and are home to a diverse range of animals. Unfortunately, wetlands are also among the most threatened ecosystems due to degradation brought on by unsustainable practices and climate change.

Large-scale wetland restoration supplies from RoLanka International, Inc. are available in an extensive assortment to aid in the restoration and recuperation of these vital habitats.

Coir logs installed along a wetland shoreline to prevent erosion

Wetland Restoration—What Does It Mean and Why Is It So Important

Degraded and poor-quality wetlands do not reap any benefits for the environment. They throw off the ecological balance and damage aquatic and land life. Wetlands usually consist of bogs, swamps, and marshes, which have been filled or drained due to extreme urbanization.

The industrial practices across the globe have led to severe disruptions to our natural environment, ultimately leading to poor biodiversity. At RoLanka International, Inc., we’re concerned about the increasing wetland problems and the resulting impact on the ecosystem. As a prominent environmental restoration products supplier, we offer premium-grade wetland restoration products to help clients revamp and re-establish natural wetland resources.


Restored Wetlands: A Boon for the Earth

Wetlands are crucial for maintaining and improving oxygen supply in the environment. They are essential for absorbing excess carbon dioxide, enhancing water quality, and supporting livelihoods. We strive to protect these essential ecosystems and ensure they survive and continue to provide their priceless benefits for future generations by implementing successful wetland restoration practices.

The most noteworthy products in our large-scale wetland restoration supplies range include:

BioD-Roll Coir Logs

Our roll coir logs, made with natural coconut fibers, are an excellent product for stabilizing wetland areas, improving plant growth, and supporting natural vegetation.

BioD-Mat Blankets

If you’re looking for a stable, 100% eco-friendly, and sustainable medium for preserving wetland sites, we’ve just the product for you. Our BioD-Mat blankets offer a fruitful base for restoring vegetation in affected wetland areas.

BioD-Watl Coir Wattles for Sediment Control 

Sediment is a recurring problem affecting wetlands across the world. It can be, however, easily addressed by using high-quality and biodegradable coir wattles. Our BioD-Watl coir wattles are made with naturally sourced coir from Sri Lanka. These wattles are beneficial for landowners who need a long-term solution to prevent soil runoff and water quality degradation.

Our product range also includes BioD-SuperLog and BioD-SuperRoll, BioD-twine, BioD-weed mats, and more.

Connect with Us for Successful Wetland Restoration

Wetland restoration is a difficult procedure that mandates careful planning and the appropriate wetland restoration supplies. RoLanka International, Inc. is dedicated to manufacturing wetland restoration products, which specifically address the requirements of wetland restoration initiatives, offering practical answers that support the return of these ecosystems to their original states.

With us, you can invest in the future of our world. We can help you ensure that wetlands continue to provide essential functions for future generations by selecting RoLanka’s wetland restoration materials.

Support your wetland restoration projects with our products in the US. Call us to discuss your unique requirements and our team will assist you in procuring the best environmental restoration products.

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