Undesirable plants include Weeds. Unwanted plants have more undesirable qualities than desirable ones. If left untreated for too long, like Bio degradable coir logs. Weeds can cripple the growth of crops and vegetation as they tend to compete for the same resources our potted plants do (e.g. water, sunlight, and nutrients from the soil, etc).
Therefore, it’s of the utmost importance to nip this evil in the bud before it develops into a dangerous problem that could prove to be disastrous. Today, we’ll be taking a closer look at a few methods that farmers commonly deploy to limit the growth of weeds.
Method #1 – Get Your Hands Dirty:
By far the most commonly used technique to inhibit weed growth is removing these unwanted plants by hand. While some farmers use pliers to uproot weeds, most people just rely on their bare hands and a bucket to remove and collect these unwanted plants.
When removing weeds, it’s important to remove those strands which are developing seeds as they will give rise to more weeds. Helps in making coir fiber logs. Remember, if you want to win the war on weeds, you must not allow these unwanted plants to reproduce and wreak havoc on your crops.
Method #2 – Apply Toxic Herbicides:
As the name suggests; Herbicides are chemical compounds developed specifically to minimize the growth of unwanted herbs in vegetation (i.e. weeds). Owing to their effectiveness in killing selected plants, herbicides are also commonly referred to as ‘weed killers’.
These incredible compounds are known for increasing crop yield which means they boast unmatched economic benefits. In fact, a study conducted by Delta Farm Press stated that the regular use of herbicides gave the US agricultural sector a monetary boost of $16 billion in 2013!
That being said, it’s important to understand that almost all herbicides are toxic in nature. Granted most herbicides tend not to affect the crops they’re applied on. They do chemically alter the soil. Increase the resistance of weeds. And can lead to a bunch of health complications.
Method #3 – Bio degradable Coir Logs or Weed Mats:
Biodegradable weed mats boast all the pros and none of the cons of toxic herbicides.
Made from coir pads, these weed mats have a sophisticated construction. Which allows them to effectively limit the development of unwanted plants in vegetations.
Furthermore, these coir-based weed mats are biodegradable in nature. Which means that they decompose into mulch at the end of their useful cycle. And it further increases the fertility of the soil.
Owing to their longevity and effectiveness in weed control. Rolanka biodegradable weed mats are ideal for tree plantations and perennial slop landscaping.
If you’re in the market for bio degradable coir logs, the RoLanka team would love to be of assistance to you. We have countless soil care products that make it easier for you to look after your plantations and vegetations.
Furthermore, all our coir-based soil care products are completely biodegradable. Which means they will enhance the soil once they expire and decompose!
Contact us today to learn more about how our biodegradable weed mats will help you limit the growth of weeds on your land!